As of July 01, 2021, the undergraduate program of our department was given international accreditation by MÜDEK.
MÜDEK is an independent institution operating to contribute to the improvement of the quality of engineering education in Turkey by carrying out accreditation, evaluation and information studies for various engineering education programs in our country.
• It is recognized by YÖK as a national quality assurance institution for the accreditation of engineering programs.
• It is a member of ENAEE (European Network for Accreditation of Engineering Education).
• EUR-ACE® (EURopean-ACcredited Engineer) authorized by ENAEE to issue the label.
• It is a member of Washington Accord.
ENAEE specifically addresses the training of engineers, whose importance is increasing in the global economy. ENAEE aims to improve and contribute to the quality of engineering education graduates in order to facilitate their professional mobility and develop their individual and collective skills to meet the needs of the economy and society. To achieve these goals, ENAEE authorizes accreditation and quality assurance bodies to award the EUR-ACE® label to the engineering degree programs it will accredit. MÜDEK is the quality assurance organization authorized to issue the EUR-ACE® label in Turkey.
IEA (International Engineering Alliance) is a non-profit global association that organizes international agreements on engineering education and professional competencies in 29 countries. These international agreements aim to ensure the quality and professional competence of engineering education. To achieve these goals, the IEA authorizes accreditation and quality assurance bodies to give the WA (Washington Accord) label to the engineering degree programs it will accredit. MÜDEK is the quality assurance organization authorized to issue the WA label in Turkey.
EUR-ACE® label is a certificate given to programs accredited by authorized agencies. WA is a global agreement that allows institutions accrediting undergraduate engineering education programs to recognize each other's accredited programs as equivalent. Programs with MÜDEK accreditation are considered equivalent to programs in other countries under this global agreement.
Organizations authorized to issue WA labels and with mutual recognition agreements;
• Engineers Australia - AUSTRALIA
• Engineering Council UK - UK
• Engineers Canada - CANADA
• Engineers Ireland - IRELAND
• Institution of Professional Engineers NZ - NEW ZELAND
• The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers - HONG KONG
• Engineering Council of South Africa - SOUTH AFRICA
• Japan Accreditation Board for Engineering Education - JAPAN
• Institution of Engineers Singapore - SINGAPORE
• Accreditation Board for Engineering Education of Korea - SOUTH KOREA
• Institute of Engineering Education Taiwan - TAIWAN
• Board of Engineers Malaysia - MALAYSIA
• Association for Engineering Education of Russia - RUSSIA
• National Board of Accreditation - INDIA
• Institution of Engineers - SRI LANKA
• China Institution for Science and Technology – CHINA
• Pakistan Engineering Council - PAKİSTAN
• Instituto de Calidad y Acreditacion de Programas de Computacion, Ingenieria y Tecnologia - PERU
• Colegio Federado de Ingenieros y de Arquitectos de Costa Rica - COSTA RICA
Undergraduate Programs Accredited by MÜDEK (As of July 01, 2021)
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